Poem Share #1: Leslie Bulion Presents "Bolas Spider"

POEM SHARE: Children's poets from across the county presenting their favorite poems for Poetry Month and beyond!

This first Poem Share might send spidery shivers down your spin. Enjoy Leslie Bulion's reading of "Bolas Spider," about a tricky arachnid trapper.  Then discover more eye-popping spider poems and facts in her collection SPI-KU: A CLUTTER OF SHORT VERSE ON EIGHT LEGS

Leslie Bulion is a master at writing poems about animals that delight AND educate. Check out avian wonders in Superlative Birds and show-stopping frogs, toads, and other amphibians in Amphibian Acrobats

Discover even more POETRY BOOST resources HERE, and don't forget to sign up for the POETRY BOOST newsletter to stay updated on new poetry lessons, prompts, and mentor texts. 


  1. Thrilled to be invited to share the poetry joy, Michelle. Thank you!!

    1. I'm thrilled that you were willing to share your poetry prowess with viewers!

  2. Fantastic poem, Leslie! Can't wait to read the others!!

  3. Love it, Leslie! Congratulations on the new book!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Michelle, not sure why I got four copies of the same comment. When I tried to delete the extras, this is what happened. Can you delete the first three? Thanks!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  7. Hooray, Leslie--such fun and so informative!

  8. Wonderful poem, Leslie! Spi-ku is going on my want to read list!

  9. Oh Leslie (and Michelle) I loved your poem and learning about this type of spider. I am eager to get your book. I know it will be a hit with many (but not my sister who for some reason cannot abide spiders, so poor her). Loved your video.
    Janet Clare F.

  10. What an interesting spider!!! Loved your poem!

  11. So fun! Great poem to kick off the month, Leslie!

  12. So enjoyed this! I have a bit of a thing for spiders (and spider poetry) myself - SO clever. I knew about the hunting technique, but not the - um - camouflage! Great kick-off. Thanks, Leslie, and Michelle. (My teacher-daughter is sharing these posts with her third graders!)

    1. I'm thrilled you are sharing these posts with your daughter, Robyn. I'm hoping more teachers can discover these resources so we can get more children's poetry collections and anthologies into classrooms!


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