Poem Share #10: Marjorie Maddox Presents "How to Write a Villanelle."


POEM SHARE: Children's poets from across the county presenting their favorite poems for Poetry Month and beyond!

A villanelle might seem like a complex poetry form on first glance, but Marjorie Maddox's inviting poem "How to Write a Villanelle" makes the process of writing one feel smooth and freeing, like a bird soaring. 

Majorie Maddox continues to make writing poetry accessible and engaging with the rest of the poems in her book Inside Out: Poems on Writing and Reading Poems . This poetry how-to collection combines original poetry with inviting activities to guide young people in writing poetry. 

Enjoy more of Marjorie Maddox's poetry with her collection I'm Feeling Blue Too, which explores all of the different emotions contained in the color blue. A great books to spark conversations about feelings. 

Discover even more POETRY BOOST resources HERE,  and don't forget to sign up for the POETRY BOOST newsletter to stay updated on new poetry lessons, prompts, and mentor texts. 


  1. What a joy to appear here. Thank you, Michelle!

    1. Great concept, Marjorie! I'll bet Paul Janeczko would have loved that.

    2. Thanks, Matt. It makes me happy to think so!

  2. Oh I had to wait for a free moment of peace to watch this, Marjorie and Michelle. Bias alert: I am already a huge fan! But it is great to see you in your video. I love your poem, your book and your expressive read, Marjorie. I love this poem and how you spur me on "to give a go" to so many forms I avoid! Your book is always in my book bag!! And it is one I think students deserve as a gift from their old poetry teacher, me! I think even if we have notebooks just for ourselves the act of writing poetry, looking so closely at every word and forms and all the rest is a terrific exercise for our hearts and minds and everything in between. Bravo!! I will watch again.
    Janet Clare F.

    1. Encourager-in-chief, I thank you! I love thinking of Inside Out as always in your book bag. :)

  3. Love the premise of the book and can't wait to swoop into it.

    1. So glad to hear! Swooping away is exactly what this poem calls for.

  4. Beautiful use of the villanelle form, Marjorie! I love villanelles and had great fun writing "Is There a Villain in Your Villanelle?" for Paul Janeczko's A KICK IN THE HEAD. Matt Forrest Esenwine has a terrific villanelle in CONSTRUCTION PEOPLE. Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art" is amazing. Hooray for villanelles and your lovely poem!


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