Poem Share #18: Joan Bransfield Graham Presents "Couplet for French Fries"


POEM SHARE: Children's poets from across the county presenting their favorite poems for Poetry Month and beyond!

Imagine what would happen if everything you touched or saw turned into a poem?  Poems about toothpaste. The staircase. Even french fries. This is exactly what happens in the book The Poem that Will Not End  by Joan Bransfield Graham.  In this Poem Share,  Joan presents a couplet from the book called "Couplet for French Fries." 

Enjoy the rest of the runaway poems in Graham's collection, which includes a guide to 15 poetic forms. 

Graham continues the poetry fun with her collections of concrete poetry:  Flicker Flash and Splish Splash

Discover even more POETRY BOOST resources HEREand don't forget to sign up for the POETRY BOOST newsletter to stay updated on new poetry lessons, prompts, and mentor texts. 


  1. I love everything that Joan writes! Thanks for this day brightening post.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Claire Annette!

  2. Nice to see your lovely face, Joan! We celebrated your poem by making some fries at home! And I love growing potatoes too!

  3. Thanks, Michele, I so enjoyed meeting you at Poetry Camp at WWU. Let's keep celebrating food and poetry! BTW, I have a great recipe for Potato Wedges--actually. Spicy Rosemary Roasted Potato Wedges--if you ever want it for some of those potatoes you are growing!


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