Poem Share #8: Michelle Schaub Presents "Granny's Teapots"

POEM SHARE: Children's poets from across the county presenting their favorite poems for Poetry Month and beyond!

Hey all you collectors out there, Michelle Schaub (that's me,) has a poem to share with you. It's called "Granny's Teapots" and it's about a grandmother's collection of teapots.  In this personification poem, I imagine that the teapots are all dressed in fancy party clothes, waiting for a tea party. 

Enjoy the rest of the poems in FINDING TREASURE: A COLLECTION OF COLLECTIONS with poems about collecting everything from seashells to snow globes.  Then check out FRESH-PICKED POETRY: A DAY AT THE FARMERS' MARKET to celebrate the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the market. 

Discover even more POETRY BOOST resources HERE,  and don't forget to sign up for the POETRY BOOST newsletter to stay updated on new poetry lessons, prompts, and mentor texts. 


  1. I have your 'collections' book, Michelle, & love hearing you recite that poem! Happy Poetry Month!

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! You are such an amazing poetry advocate!

  2. Such a lovely memory of your grandmother, Michelle, and a special time you shared. I collected shells, dolls from around the world, and stamps. Thanks for the delightful video!

    1. Thanks, Joan! I love hearing about what other people collect!

  3. Hi Michelle,
    Your video was terrific. So nicely done and appealing plus a great poem about collecting memories along with teapots! So much fun with showing the teapot and demonstrating akimbo arms. Yay! PS I finally bought a halo light for the next time I am going to make a video. I really need practice and these are fun. The final thing I need is some kind of teleprompter so I can read my poem and look into the camera. LOL!!
    Janet Clare F.

  4. Love this, Michelle! I collect teapots too!

  5. Love this, and I'll ditto that message about Finding Treasure, which I got before having the pleasure to "meet" you on-line. :)

  6. It's so fun to hear you read the poem, Michelle! I really enjoyed the book, but it's extra special when you perform it.

  7. Oh, fun! Love the idea of collections. Can you tell I'm a collector at heart?


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